
Please follow these 3 simple steps to get you started.


Step 1.


Let’s start the account registration process. Fill in the details below so that we can setup the initial account login details for your new PPC Logic Self Managed account .

Register your new PPC Logic user
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Step 2.


Please schedule an onboarding call with our PPC Logic specialist to finalize your registration process. 

While waiting for the onboarding meeting, you can jump to Step #3 in order to join the Office Hours and our PPC Logic community

Step 3.

Let’s stay connected.

Click below to join our WhatsApp Group and sign up for Office Hours for more timely news, updates and Q&As



Get your questions answered on our 1 hour Live weekly Zoom calls

Every Thursday at 1 PM EST | 10 AM PST | 6 PM UK ( GMT )

Join the PPC Logic Team in our weekly Office Hours to help you get better acquainted with the tool.
These office hours will provide users with the opportunity to ask questions and receive guidance on how to use PPC Logic effectively.
Whether you are a new user or an experienced one, our team will be available to offer insights, answer questions and share best practices to help you make the most of PPC Logic

Register for this Week’s Office Hours Zoom Webinar

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